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Description of setting of RAC Server automatic update

Help | Description of setting of RAC Server automatic update

1. Description of file content for update
1.1. Description of file format
1.2. Description of section [UpdateVersionXXX.XXX]
1.3. Description of keys in section [UpdateVersionXXX.XXX]
1.4. Examples of the update file
2. Update setting in RAC Server
2.1. Tab "When update is to be made"
2.2. Tab "Update from web server"
2.3. Tab "Update from shared folder"
3. Description of update packing
3.1. Description of file format
3.2. Description of update.ini file
3.2. Description of [Files] section in update.ini file
3.3. Adding your own file to the update packing

1. Description of file content for update
1.1. Description of file format
The file may be in the text format or its content may be
generated by ASP, PHP, or CGI script; it is important that
the resulting output from the dynamic page was in text format and
contains the below stated sections and keys and does not contain neither HTML nor other
format characters.
Notes can be written after two slashes //.

1.2. Description of section [UpdateVersionXXX.XXX]
There may be more sections in a file, server searches for a section first according to
its majority and minority version, e.g. if the server is version 2.00,
it searches for section [UpdateVersion2.00], and if there is none it searches for according to
its majority version, e.g. [UpdateVersion2], and if even this version is not included,
it searches for the default section [UpdateVersion]. This allows different setting
for different versions.

1.3. Description of keys in section [UpdateVersionXXX.XXX]
Section must contain obligatory keys:
- "Version": contains number of majority, minority and number update version that is
available in format, e.g. 3.1.0.
If the majority and minority version is higher, the update will be made.
- "HTTPURLAdressForDownloadNewVersion": contains HTTP address to the update packing
that contains the updated files archived in CAB format.
Use only the update packing provided by us; according to point 3.3,
you may add to the packing your files e.g. in order to change the server configuration.

Optional keys for registration:
- "RegistrationName" and "RegistrationKey": keys for server registration,
allow to register each time if the server checks the last version,
that is even if the update was not done. The content is used if the server
is not registered or if its registration is different, e.g. for possible
re-registration in upgrade to a newer majority versio.
The registration information must be valid for the updated version.

The other optional keys:
- "WNETPathFileDownloadNewVersion": obligatory key when using the update
from a shared folder. The key in this instance must contain the file name
of the update pack located in the shared folder or subfolder e.g.:

- "HTTPURLPageDownLoadIfUpadateVersion": the key content is used after the update is completed.
The key for proper function must contain a valid HTTP address of dynamic page that
the server downloads after completing the update and transfer these variables:
  - "LastVersion": number of the original version
  - "NewVersion": number of the new version
  - "OS": description of the operation system version
  - "State": state of update completion, number:
    - 1: fully completed update
    - 2: update not completed fully, some files were not updated,
     more detailed information are available when using mail messages.
A dynamic page may, for example, store the data to a database with IP address and date,
for update monitoring. The update information are also send
when using mail messages.

1.4. Examples of the update file
E.g. for update of 3.0 version:


E.g. for update of 3.0 version with the possibility of information transfer after completion
of the update:


E.g. for update of 3.0 version with the possibility of registration and information transfer after completion
of the update:

//Page for completion of update
//Your registration data
RegistrationName = Company Name
RegistrationKey = 111111 - 222222 - 333333 - 444444

The same example but only for servers with majority version 2:

//Page for completion of update
//Your registration data
RegistrationName = Companies
RegistrationKey = 111111 - 222222 - 333333 - 444444

The same example but only for servers with majority and minority version 2.5:

//Page for completion of update
//Your registration data
RegistrationName = Companies
RegistrationKey = 111111 - 222222 - 333333 - 444444

2. Update setting in RAC Server
The setting is on the "Automatic Update" tab in server setting.

2.1. Tab "When update is to be made"
On the tab you may set planned start of new version check.
In case that the computer was switched off at the time of the planned start, the scheduler allows
you to start the check upon computer start up if the previous planned start was not

2.2. Tab "Update from web server"
Set the proper HTTP address to the file containing the new version information,
what the file should contain is described under the point 1.

Verify the proper HTTP address using an Internet browser,
or at the "Setting/Server Setting/Main" tab switch on "Display and Protocol Detailed Information" and
start the update manually from toolbar or from menu "Setting/Start Automatic Update".
Then wait until "The update check was started" text appears in the main window if everything is set all right,
e.g. this text appears:

2003-12-09 09:20:12 The update check started
Available information from the update file:
The update information were loaded from "UpdateVersion" section.
The key content from section:
2003-12-09 09:18:37 The update will not be carried out, available version "2.0" is not newer.
2003-12-09 09:18:37 The update check was completed

E.g. this means that the address is set correctly.
If you set an incorrect address it may look like this:

2003-12-09 09:22:46 The update check was started
2003-12-09 09:22:46 An error occurred when downloading the file containing the new version information:
An error occurred when connection to the server:
Cannot recognize the server name or address. (12007)
2003-12-09 09:22:46 The update check completed

2003-12-09 09:23:23 The update check was started
2003-12-09 09:23:24 An error occurred when downloading the file containing the new version information:
An error occurred when accepting the valid HTTP response from server, response code: 404
2003-12-09 09:23:24 The update check completed

Or if the new version information is not stated:

2003-12-09 09:26:00 The update check was started
2003-12-09 09:26:00 The update file "D:\Program Files\RAC Server\UpdateVersion\RACsUpdateVersion.ini" does not contain information about new version.
2003-12-09 09:26:00 The update check completed

You may also view the downloaded file, it is located in UpdateVersion directory and its name is
RACsUpdateVersion.ini as can be seen in the listing.

2.3. Tab "Update from shared folder"
Here you should set the correct name of the shared folder where the file containing the new version information is located.
You can do it the following way "\\server\\folder", the path to the shared folder is made of the network address
of remote system where you may enter IP, DNS, or the computer name. And of the shared folder name.
You may enter the correct folder using the selected and connected network drive or
a new network drive may be connected.
After entering the folder enter the update file name that is located in the shared folder.
The content of the update file is described under the point 1.
In case that the folder requires authorization, enter your user name and password.
Finally if the server will be executed as the service of Windows NT® and higher,
the proper function requires entering user account under which the update process
will run. The user account must have minimally authorization for local
log on to this computer.

In order to verify correct setting switch on "Display and Protocol Detailed Information" on the
"Setting/Server Setting/Main" tab and start the update manually from toolbar,
or from "Setting/Start Automatic Update" menu.
Then wait until "The update check was started" text appears in the main window
if everything is set all right, e.g. this text appears:

2003-12-09 09:15:12 The update check was started
Available information from the update file:
The update information were loaded from "UpdateVersion" section.
The key content from section:
2003-12-09 09:15:37 The update will not be carried out, available version "2.0" is not newer.
2003-12-09 09:15:37 The update check completed

E.g. this means that the address is set correctly.
If you set an incorrect folder it may look like this:

2004-05-05 09:41:13 The update check was started
2004-05-05 09:41:15 An error occurred when downloading the file containing the new version information from shared folder:
The network path was not located. (53)
2004-05-05 09:41:15 The update check completed

3. Description of update packing
3.1. Description of file format
The contents of update files that are used for update are compressed
into the CAB format.
The CAB file must contain a text file update.ini where there is information
on update files.

3.2. Description of update.ini file
The file is in text format.
Notes can be written after two slashes //.

3.2. Description of [Files] section in update.ini file
The file must contain main section [Files].
The section contains list of keys FileXXX, FileDestDirectoryXXX and FileDigitalSignatureXXX.
The first key must start File0 and the following File1, File2...
- FileXXX contains name of the updated file
- FileDestDirectoryXXX contains the location of file, if not stated
the file is placed to the directory where the RAC Server is installed.
If it is necessary to place the file to the existing directory, e.g. "Shared",
the name of this directory is entered into the key content FileDestDirectoryXXX=Shared
- FileDigitalSignature contains the digital file signature. With the ini and txt files
it is not necessary to mention this key.
If the digital signature does not match, the update will be interrupted.
The digital signature protects the updated file e.g. from a virus attack or
or from another form of destruction that could impact functionality of the RAC Server.

3.3. Adding your own file to the update packing
For example with a new version you may update your configuration of your installed
RAC Server, e.g. in case that the new version contains new setting.
Only files with ini and txt formats may be added to the update packing.
There is a tool for simpler entering the file into the update packing
in RAC Client in menu "Tools/Modify the Update Packing".
If you update the configuration file RACs.ini, before entering test
the new setting.
In the dialog box select the location of the update packing, add the file itself
and finally create the update packing that should be placed onto the web server or
to the shared folder.

The last update packing can be downloaded from our web server here.