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RAC Server - News in the version:

  • 6.0.0
    • 6.0.0:
      • enabled connecting to Windows Remote Desktop via VPC
  • 5.0.3 - 5.0.10
    • 5.0.12:
      • optimization of exports
    • 5.0.7-11:
      • Index and LFU cache optimization
      • optimization of connection to VPC server
      • logging optimization
      • optimization of the communication protocol
      • remote print also allows printing to printers that use PDF printing format.
        For the correct function, the version or higher RAC Client and server .
    • 5.0.6:
      • Stop distributing a version that does not support the unicode character set.
    • 5.0.5:
      • fixed retrieving information from secondary monitors on Windows 7. The error is caused by a system error when updating information to the open context of the monitor device.
    • 5.0.3:
      • With operational reasons The VPC server will not allow connections from older versions of RAC Client version 5.0.2 and below, on RAC Server 5.0.2 and below. In this case, you need to upgrade to the new version of the 5.0.3 RAC Client or RAC Server.
      • enabled in Web Client Connecting to Multiple Monitors. To connect to another monitor at the same time, you need to use a different browser, or use a browser that supports multiple user identities.
  • 5.0.2
    • Modified scheduled computer shutdown for Windows 10. An alert added: For proper operation, you need to enable: 'Wake-up timers' in system settings in advanced power settings.
    • changed the HTTP protocol for HTTPS secure protocol links. Over time, websites will only be accessible through secure HTTPS.
  • 5.0.1
    • in the control of a computer connected to VPC via Web Browser Enabled:
      • display the real mouse cursor position
      • enhanced login via remote internal account
    • connect your computer to multiple VPC accounts, the help is here
  • 5.0.0
    • the ability to control a computer connected to VPC via Web Browser. Help and conditions are listed here.
  • 4.0.9
    • support for Windows 10
    • ability to import and export of computers connected to VPC
    • less information on computers for faster selection of the connected computers to the VPC
    • fix the problem black screen when logging on to a remote computer
  • 4.0.7
    • At full control for enabling remote users to log off when the connection is lost. It is used eg. In cases where the administrator starts as a normal user program under higher privileges. And it is possible to avoid taking control of the higher authority to the remote user in loss of control of a remote computer.
    • Fixed a problem that happens when it is fully operating on Windows 8, which sometimes occurs after logging in to blacken the screen and only help re-establish the connection
  • 4.0.6
    • repair:
      • Fixed remote registration license
      • fixed loading configuration VPC Server
      • fixed displaying some of the texts
  • 4.0.5
    • Ability to set: Display the desktop background to a user who is allowed: Only viewing
    • Support for Unicode characters, yet they are in the distribution of two versions of the non-Unicode and Unicode support. With the procedure, time will only version available with support for Unicode.
  • 4.0.4
    • Support for Windows 8
    • Fix the license registration systems earlier than Windows XP
    • Able to sort the list by all accented characters
    • When connecting to the VPN check is performed and reconnecting blocked connections mannered network protocol error
  • 4.0.3
    • Possible communication tunnelling on the TCP and UDP protocol via VPC. PCs can in this way be connected in both directions, e.g. by VPN or any other communication on the TCP and UDP protocol.
      A licence for a specified time must be bought for VPC tunnelling via a public VPC server.
      You can try tunnelling for a 30-day trial period.
  • 4.0.2
    • VPC Server optimisation in case of system failure
  • 4.0.1
    • Full control and viewing:
      • correction of sending the Ctrl+Alt+Del key sequence on systems with Microsoft msvcr80.dll runtime library version lower than 8.0.50727.6195
  • 4.0.0
    • The File Transfer service:
      • folder synchronisation
    • option to schedule automatic PC startup from the sleep or standby mode. And, when the PC is not being used, an option to automatically switch the PC to the sleep or standby mode after some time.
  • 3.8.4
    • VPC Server optimisation in case of system failure
  • 3.8.3
    • Full control and viewing:
      • correction of sending the Ctrl+Alt+Del key sequence on systems with Microsoft msvcr80.dll runtime library version lower than 8.0.50727.6195
  • 3.8.2
    • Transfer of files:
      • authorisation loading adjusted in case the logged user is not authorised to read the configuration file
  • 3.8.1
    • Remote print:
      • the error making the remote print impossible has been removed
  • 3.8.0
    • for Transfer of Files:
      • access to connected network units and other units connected under the logged in user. In the previous version, the service was only connected to the "System" account. Network units connected by the user are not available under this login. The service may also be connected to logged in sessions in this version. This possibility is disabled for the existing connection but is enabled for all connections in the new main settings. The new settings for the service are located on the new folder "Transfer of Files" in the main settings. Settings for individual connections may be changed in the default or specific profile for the "Transfer of Files".
    • dialog for user selection from domain modified for Windows 7
  • 3.7.1
    • Full control and viewing:
      • Remote print:
        • transfer of print files adjusted based on the transfer rate
        • shared printer adding corrected
        • adding a printer with an unknown print processor adjusted
    • VPC server:
      • adjustment of monitoring features enabled
      • preset or limit the "Full Control" user settings
  • 3.7.0
    • Full control and viewing:
      • printing from remote PC to your printer enabled
      • connection expiring in case remote PC gets in the sleep or economy mode adjusted
    • RAC Server:
      • server user instance start on domain controller corrected
  • 3.6.3
    • connection via VPC:
      • possibility to include the remote computer to a multilevel group
      • establishing connection via Proxy server is conditioned by the time limit
  • 3.6.2
    • connection via VPC:
      • data transmission corrected after connection has been established. In some cases, data from the remote computer has not started to be transmitted after connection has been established.
      • disconnection from the VPC System adjusted when the remote computer is switched to the sleep mode
      • another connection check after 24 hours in case of unsuccessful authorisation as a result of the VPC System failure on 8 Sep, 2010. The check prevents remote computer disconnection from the VPC System in case of VPC System failure.
      • connection via the last transferred VPC System IP address is provided if remote computer DNS service is not available
  • 3.6.1
    • Full control and viewing:
      • support of resolution with side ratio of 19:6, e.g. 1366x786 enabled
      • adjustment is added for connection to the relation - in case the console's relation number is not 0, which made connection to the console impossible. It mainly concerned connection to the terminal server. The adjustment will assign the console relation number 0 from the disconnected relation that used this number.
    • connection via VPC:
      • control for the HTTP protocol when connecting to one's VPC server added for the VPC protocol
      • if a computer connected to VPC is selected, the size of letters at a folder the computer is included in is not distinguished
      • VPC protocol adjustment for possible internal connection redirecting to another VPC server. The VPC service will be transferred to a new, more efficient server in August 2010.
      • new VPC server possibilities in the menu:
        • Settings:
          • Management of VPC accounts
          • Searching/modification of email addresses of VPC accounts
        • VPC:
          • Export of email addresses of VPC accounts
      • a new test system for detecting the connection to the VPC System status, both by the VPC Server and a remote computer connected to the VPC Server. Especially at computers connected to the Internet via Wifi it sometimes happens that the connection to the VPC fails but the operating system keeps registering the connection as established. On the VPC Server side the connection gets broken, which causes the remote computer to be unavailable.
  • 3.6.0
    • Optimization for Windows 7.
    • New technology of sending the combination of Ctrl + Alt + Del for Windows Vista and highers.
    • For connecting via VPC:
      • The possibility of mass changing the password on all connected computers to the VPC in RAC Client and Server.
      • Connecting the computer to VPC without password.
        You do not have to disclose your password to a remote user, it is required to disclose just the name of VPC account.
      • A new informational message: change of e-mail address.
    • Authorization Key:
      • Possibility to set a sender and subject of the message.
    • French localization
    • Portuguese localization
    • Italian localization
  • 3.5.0
    • computer control without public IP address through our new VPC (Virtual Private Connection)
      • computer control without public IP address or fixed IP address
      • no need to set firewall and router
      • possible operation of own Virtual Private Connection
    • more info about VPC can be found here
    • Full control or Viewing Only:
      • Test of the video driver functionality added which handles the activation or switching off video drivers in case of malfunction. This problem is mostly caused by executing DOS console applications on fullscreen.
    • Computer turn off service options:
      • Hibernation
      • Stand by
  • 3.4.1
    • Spanish localization
    • German localization
    • control of computer with more monitors set in opposite order counterclockwise modified
  • 3.4.0
    • Full control or Viewing Only
      • Speeding up the control of a remote computer through a newer technology.
        The new technology obtains information on remote desktop changes
        quicker with lower processor and memory load.
      • new LFU buffer
  • 3.3.1
    • Optimization of switching off the desktop background in logging or switching users
    • Enabled displaying Desktop Background for an account
  • 3.3.0
    • The RAC Server main window was separated to two tabs of Control Panel and Status.
      The Control Panel allows quicker and better arranged access to setting.
    • The possibility to open log file in RAC Server in Tools menu.
  • 3.2.0
    • Chat
    • Sending messages to remote computer
    • Using the current appearance of Windows®
    • Automatic transfer data of clipboard
    • English localization
  • 3.1.0
    • The option to find out the newer version in the Help menu
    • New version numbering, another third number gives the number of update within a version
    • The automatic update allows updating on the basis of the third version number
  • 3.00
    • Newer technology of buffer for decreasing the amount of the transferred data by as much as 90%
  • 2.06
    • Optimization for Windows Vista™
    • In the process of remote computer control the users are allowed to prevent other users from controling the computer
  • 2.05
    • The option to set more administrator accounts
    • The automatic connection to a new active session if the existing one is terminated or will be inactive in Full control or viewing
    • The tool for finding the communication information in Tools menu
    • The option to reinstall the RAC Server from the update in the Help menu
  • 2.04
    • The main news in the Full Control and Viewing service enables:
      • Control of all relations including the terminal ones in Windows® XP, Windows® Server 2003 and Windows® Terminal Server (Sample Selection of relations).
    • Enables reducing of RAC Server functions:
      • Enable or disable:
        • Starting server
        • User setting
        • Server setting
        • HTTP tunnel setting
        • Display of connected users
        • Display of connections to HTTP tunnel
        • Disconnection of users
        • Disconnection of connection to HTTP tunnel server
        • Server control
        • Control of HTTP tunnel
        • Automatic server update
        • Test of screen locking
        • Enter registration data
    • When starting RAC Server it enables to create an exception in Firewall gate of Windows® system
      in setting of the new tab Exceptions in Firewall gate of Windows® system.
      This is recommended especially for remote installation of RAC Server.
  • 2.03
    • The main news is a new service Command Prompt that allows you to start commands and tools on a remote system (sample).
      The service enables to set individual access to start commands and tools for individual users
  • 2.02
    • Texts in the dialog box Entering Registration Data were modified
  • 2.01
    • Enabled log on with authorization key in order to enhance security when accessing remote RAC Server (sample)
    • Our main news is a new service File Transfer enabling remote transfer of files and folders. The service enables to set individual access to specific folders for individual users (sample).
    • The dialog box Access to Services was updated (sample)
    • Setting of SMTP servers for outgoing mail messages was moved to a new tab SMTP servers (sample)
    • With the setting of SMTP server for outgoing mail messages it is now possible to set Server Requires Verification (sample)
  • 2.00
    • HTTP tunnel server was integrated with the option to connect to all of the RAC services through the HTTP tunnel. There is the option to tunnel the other TCP or UDP ports through HTTP tunnel.
    • The option to lock up the user accounts
    • Safer transfer of authorization and encoding information by increasing the length of RSA key to 1024 bits
    • Enhanced locking of screen
    • A new tool for testing of functionality of screen locking in menu Tools/Locking of Screen Test